Gray Wolf Membership

Membership Fees for Gray Wolf Ski Club 2024-2025 season must be received before August 15th in order to receive the Wolf Creek Ski Season Pass discount (those 65 and older or members 50-64 who are grandfathered August 15 2023).

All current members receive the following benefits –  supplement of 3 Gray Wolf Luncheons($8 each) in the Main Lodge scheduled in Jan/Feb/Mar. We welcome all those who join after August 15th however members will not be eligible for the Season Pass discount. With the change in Wolf Creek Ski Area policy regarding Gray Wolf season pass discounts, individuals 50-64 years old, joining or renewing after August 15th 2023 will not be grandfathered for future year discounts. Discounts for those 65+ continue to apply to those who have renewed by the August 15th deadline.

You may join with our Online registration with PayPal or Credit Card or download the membership form and mail with your check(Note: Check must be mailed by August 10th to allow USPS delivery to our PO Box.).

Click here for membership form

Annual Meeting July 11 – Big 40th Celebration

Mark your calendar for our Gray Wolf Ski Club Annual Meeting Thursday July 11  Potluck And the Big 40th Celebration!!

Where – PLPOA Clubhouse, 230 Port Avenue Pagosa Springs

Club will provide–  Brisket, Chicken, beer and wine

4:30 appetizers, 5:00 supper

Potluck Breakdown, based on your last name:
A-F— Desserts

Come by at 2:30 to help the Board members set up, and afterward to help clean up!!! The annual meeting announces the newly-elected Board members, upcoming events, and this year: the 40th Anniversary of the Gray Wolves!! Fun events planned!

Highway Trash Pickup Monday June 10th 10:00am

Our second Highway 160 trash pickup will be scheduled for Monday June 10th.   We are responsible for the area between mile markers 152 and 154.  CDOT will be contacted to let them know to pick up the following day.

We will meet at the Tractor Supply parking lot at 10:00am for your assignments and supplies.  We will provide you with trash bags, and orange vests.  Please bring gloves, water, appropriate clothing, and your own trash grabber if you have one.

Afterwards, we’ll get together at the parking area on East Fork road for brats and chips. BYOB

CO Dept. of Transportation requests that everyone review the safety videos “Spruce up Colorado” and Meth Lab Waste Recognition” at  Click on Safety Videos.

If you have further questions, please contact Chris Johnson at 713-562-0395.

Gray Wolf Beach Party – 4×4 Parking Lot Tuesday April 2nd noon

Come join us to celebrate the end of the ski season for our Beach Party Gray Wolf Luncheon coming up Tuesday April 2nd (12:00pm-1:00pm) at Wolf Creek Ski Area back of 4×4 parking lot. Theme is Beach Party so get your Beach wear out!  This is a potluck event with the club providing brats,buns and chips. Members bring something to share with others along with your beverage as this is forest service property.

Gray Wolf Luncheon – TuTu Tuesday March 26th 2024

The next Gray Wolf Luncheon is scheduled  Tuesday March 26th at Wolf Creek Ski Area Main Lodge beginning at 11:00am til 1:00pm. Theme is TuTu Tuesday so get your TUTU!  The club will pay up to $8.00 per each current Gray Wolf member’s lunch meal.

Once again we will have participating members get a token before they get in line at the Lodge. That way we can check to be sure they are a current member. The cashier will take the token and make it easier on the cashier and let us reimburse the ski area sooner.

A group photo will be taken at 12:15pm outside the Main Lodge

Lunch Special is Enchiladas with rice & beans,  and dessert.

RSVP by March 22nd Friday 5pm with your choice of the lunch special or other

Senior Skiing Groups in the USA

With help from Harriet Wallis, who organizes the Wild Old Bunch senior skiing group at Alta, UT,  Rosie Piller put together a Google spreadsheet of senior skiing groups in the United States. Our organization is listed! I hope you will find the spreadsheet useful if you travel out of state and want to connect with other senior skiers.
It’s a work in progress–surely there are groups to add and corrections to make, and we welcome your input! But please DO NOT flood my email account with corrections or additions; rather, use the method described at the top of the Google spreadsheet.

Click Here