Autumn Potluck Social and Ski Swap – Saturday September 23rd noon

Autumn Potluck Social!
Saturday September 23
12:00pm—3:00 pm
PLPOA Clubhouse
230 Port Avenue Pagosa Springs

The club will provide Brats and Beer/Wine along with condiments.

***With so many members attending the social potluck, we are asking the member to bring the following depending upon your last name beginning with:
A-F    Desserts serve 8-10 people
G-Q  Appetizers to serve 8-10 people
R-Z   Sides to service 8-10 people

We need assistance with setup at 11:00am, please contact Lassie 949-422-9976 if you can help.

If you have Ski Swap items i.e. skis, boots, you will be responsible for handling your own transactions.

Come meet your new Gray Wolf Members and visit with your ski buddies